What to Expect

Relax & Let the Healing Begin

Relax & Let the Healing Begin

In my opinion, energy healing is the ultimate form of self-care. Much like a massage can relieve stress and tension in your physical body, energy healing relieves those in your energy body (and, in turn, in your physical body too!). What do you have to do? Show up, relax, and receive. I recommend having a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted or rushed and come with an open mind (healthy skepticism is welcomed).

Currently, all healings are taking place remotely over Zoom. I find them just as effective, if not more so as you, the client, can be in your own environment.

We’ll spend a few minutes discussing your reason for seeking energy healing. I’ll answer any questions you have. Typically, I’ll check in on your chakras to get an idea of where we might be working. If you’ve brought up a specific issue you want to be addressed, we will address that, but then I bring in the true healers and follow their lead as they always know the highest priority for you.

We could wind up working in the chakras or the auric field, we could heal and transmute ancestral trauma, or any number of other healing modalities may pop up as the highest priority.

Dowse & Clear

Dowse & Clear

Circling back to that ‘true healers’ bit, let me say that I am not the healer. WHAT!? Let me explain. These healings come from beings far higher and more knowledgeable than me and my limited human mind. What I am is a facilitator, a translator, a vessel, a channel, a conduit, an interpreter, a messenger, and a holder of sacred space. I use my intuition to watch/feel/hear where the energy is going and we go from there.

I work with your soul, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, the sacred elements, maybe even your loved ones or ancestors, and other higher consciousness beings. They are the true healers. You will hear me invoke them and ask for their healing, then I watch/listen/feel using clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience to see what is happening. I will relay the information to you as it comes to me. Or if you prefer silence, I can give you a summary of what we worked on at the end of the session.

Discuss & Next Steps

Discuss & Next Steps

During and after a session, people frequently experience a release of fear and/or anger, a decrease in their ability to be triggered by others and/or experiences, an opening of their heart, feeling more in flow with the universe, feeling in alignment with their true self, and/or an increase in their energy. You could experience any of the above, or even more, depending on the work that was done.

The end of each session will vary being that every healing is unique, even for repeat clients. Certain ideas may have been sparked during the session that I will elaborate more on at the close of our time together. That may look like pulling a few cards, looking up the meaning of specific imagery, suggesting videos or books that better explain a topic, etc. I encourage clients to take notes during this time if they are so inclined.